John H. Krystal,M.D.编辑生物精神病学和耶鲁大学医学院和VA康涅狄格州医疗保健系统,评论,“抑郁症可能是煤矿中的”金丝雀“,这是一种炎症性疾病过程的相对早期的迹象,有助于冠状动脉疾病和其他医疗疾病。“He adds, "The current study suggests that depression may be heterogeneous with respect to its association with inflammatory disease processes, so it will be very important to develop biomarkers, i.e., objective and quantitative tests that can identify the subtype of depression that is a component of systemic disease processes." Senior authors Gordon Parker and Catherine Owen further discuss: "If confirmed, [this finding] has the potential to greatly enhance the ability of health professionals to identify and allocate resources to those patients who are at the greatest risk. This finding also has the potential to shed light on the mechanisms by which post-ACS depression is associated with reduced survival; an area that is still very poorly understood."