视频警报:额外的音频和视频资源,包括来自描述该研究的J. Michael Bostwick博士采访的摘录。
"The 2005 case series alerted us that something bad was happening to some unfortunate people. This study was done to assess the likelihood that this effect would happen to the average Parkinson's patient treated with these agents," says J. Michael Bostwick, M.D., Mayo Clinic psychiatrist who spearheaded the new study. It is published in the April issue of梅奥诊所程序。
调查结果是明确的。七名患者体验新发起的强迫赌博或过度的患者正在服用治疗剂量的多巴胺激动剂。其他帕金森病患者患者都没有强制性赌博习惯或过度的血缘性,包括28名患者在亚治疗多巴胺激动剂剂量或其他201名不服用多巴胺激动剂的患者。只有178名患者患者只与帕金森病,Carbidopa / Levodopa的标准药物治疗,开发了这些行为。
"It is crucial for clinicians prescribing dopamine agonists to apprise patients as well as their spouses or partners about this potential side effect. The onset can be insidious and overlooked until life-altering problems develop," says J. Eric Ahlskog, M.D., Ph.D., Mayo Clinic neurologist who co-authored and treated many of the patients in the 2005 study. "It also is worth noting that the affected patients were all taking therapeutic doses. Very low doses, such as those used to treat restless legs syndrome, carry much less risk."