自闭症支持的研究讲自闭症治疗网络(ATN),表明,目前在圣地社会和行为儿科年会的发展和行为儿科年会社会上提出了对自闭症谱系统(ASD)的个人的生活质量恶化的症状。ob体育开户网址安东尼奥,德克萨斯州。Researchers Parul Vora, M.D., developmental-behavioral pediatric fellow at Nationwide Children's and Darryn Sikora, Ph.D., Director of the Autism Program at Oregon Health Sciences University, used data exclusively from the ATN Registry to examine whether the presence of symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) might have additional impact on the adaptive functioning and quality of life of children and adolescents with ASD. After reviewing measures of attention and hyperactivity, and measures of quality of life, for over 2,000 children and adolescents with ASD, they found that over half of this group had symptoms of either attention or hyperactivity problems. More than a third had significant symptoms of both.
有ASD的儿童具有较低的自适应功能 - 在日常情况下相处的能力 - 通常是典型的发展儿童。ADHD症状的存在不仅会损害其适应能力,生活质量进一步减少。
“鉴定ASD的儿童的ADHD症状是重要的,使得医疗保健提供者可以努力治疗这些问题。需要进一步的研究来确定兴奋剂药物是否改善了ASD的儿童的ADHD症状,”Daniel Fory,M.D。