就像我们在平民,经常在VHA中使用ER的人一般都有严重的危害生活环境和high levels of psychosocial dysfunction in addition to medical needs," said lead study author Kelly Doran, MD, of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Clinical Scholars Program at the Yale University School of Medicine and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs in New Haven, Conn. "Our findings defy the common assumption that once patients have ongoing medical care and health insurance their ER use will drop off. Instead, it appears that improved health outcomes may be realized through increased spending on social services, such as housing subsidies and income supplements."
研究人员从2010年分析了超过400万条记录,为退伍军人卫生管理局注册的患者。大多数(83.2%)没有VHA急诊科8.9%的人有过一次急诊室就诊经历。到急诊室就诊2到4次的患者占患者总数的6.4%。就诊5 - 10次的占人口的1.3%,就诊11-25次的占人口的0.2%。只有极小的比例,0.01%的人,访问次数超过25次。
“这不是医疗保障不足的问题 - 提供对更多相同的门诊护理不太可能消除频繁的ER使用,”Doran博士说。
Jesse Pines, MD, MBA, of the George Washington University in Washington D.C., the author of the accompanying editorial, wrote that the VHA "is an integrated delivery system that operates in many ways like an accountable care organization, a major cornerstone of the [Affordable Care Act]."