In the first study to closely examine the polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) intake among U.S. children under the age of 5, Sarah Keim, PhD, principal investigator in the Center for Biobehavioral Health at The Research Institute at Nationwide Children's Hospital, has found what might be a troubling deficit in the diet of many youngsters. The study, published online today by母婴营养,在美国国家卫生和营养考试调查中使用了近2500名儿童龄12至60个月的数据。
Pufas对人体健康至关重要。ω-6至ω-3 pufas的适当比例在细胞功能,炎症中起着重要作用,眼睛发育和神经功能。但是,理想的膳食摄入Pufas小孩子尚不清楚。知道婴儿经常通过大量的关键PUFA母乳和婴儿配方在生命的第一年,牛仔博士和她的同事,艾米布兰努姆,博士,疾病控制中心的博士,决定估算婴儿和幼儿园之间儿童饮食中PUFA的平均摄入量。
“Omega-6与Omega-3摄入量的比例很高 - 约10.一些专家使用这是一个指标饮食质量keim博士说,高比例不那么健康。“此外,在12至60个月的儿童中摄入称为DHA的关键脂肪酸低于婴儿通常消耗的婴儿 - 它没有随着年龄的增长而增加。“
At present, there is no official dietary recommendation in the U.S. for DHA and EPA intake or supplementation among children, although the Institute of Medicine has issued what they call a "reasonable intake" level of two 3-oz servings of fish per week for children. "According to our research, however, children are clearly not consuming this much fish," says Dr. Keim. In addition, the researchers found that overall intake of key fatty acids, such as DHA and EPA, among U.S. children is only a fraction of what is regularly consumed by young children in certain other countries, including Canada. Other studies suggest that similarly low intakes exist in kids age 5 and older. By incorporating key omega-3 PUFAs into a child's diet at a very early age, Dr. Keim says, it may be more likely to become part of a lifelong diet.