免疫力是件吃力不讨好的事情。尽管军队的细胞被称为免疫系统不断使我们远离接二连三的病毒,细菌,甚至癌变的细胞出现问题时我们主要注意到:“为什么我得到了今年的流感虽然我有疫苗吗?”"Why does innocent pollen turn me into a red-eyed, sniffling mess?"
博士后研究员艾伦金博士解释说,epitope-generating系统使她和其他人在Sadegh-Nasseri团队区别差异蛋白质的选择过程中致病微生物与人类蛋白质:“我们发现,人类蛋白质抗原表位与自身免疫性疾病有关,如糖尿病,风湿性关节炎,通过生成一个不同的过程比从病原体蛋白质。”The pathogen-derived epitopes bind to protein receptors that protect them from the specialized processing enzymes that chop them up, the research group found. However, autoimmune-causing epitopes are resistant to destruction by those enzymes even without protection by their receptor proteins. Ultimately, Kim says, "When a critical mass of one epitope accumulates, it becomes dominant." The dominant epitope is then "presented" to newly minted T cells, which trains them to either destroy the foe or attack the body's own细胞,最终导致炎症。