现在,Wistar Institute的科学家已经确定了在线粒体中存在的特定蛋白质网络肿瘤细胞这对于维持线粒体的清洁功能至关重要,不仅能够肿瘤细胞的增殖,而且能够移动和侵入远处的器官的能力。通过了解涉及的玩家,Wistar科学家能够在网络内关掉个别亚基,这大大降低了这种能力癌细胞成长和传播,暗示一个有吸引力的新治疗目标。调查结果发表在期刊上PLOS生物学。
"This is an example of how tumors can quickly adapt to cope with their own higher biosynthetic needs," said Dario C. Altieri, M.D., President and CEO of The Wistar Institute, director of The Wistar Institute Cancer Center, the Robert & Penny Fox Distinguished Professor, and lead author of the study. "Mitochondria play a crucial role in a tumor's ability to process the energy needed to grow and spread, so identifying the mechanisms of how tumors maintain the function of mitochondria and exploit it to support abnormal cell proliferation and metastatic spread may uncover new therapeutic targets in a wide variety of cancers."
先前的研究提供了控制蛋白质或蛋白质的折叠和稳定性的能力是对减少细胞应激的重要性。还已知肿瘤刺激蛋白质的优势,但在线粒体发生的情况下,这种情况仍然很大程度上未知。Wistar科学家描述的网络回答了这个问题并确认了在肿瘤发展中的重要作用。特别是,该网络 - CLPP的组分之一在原发性和转移性人类癌症中发现普遍过表达,并与缩短的患者存活率相关。仅在本研究中,科学家们发现了乳腺癌,前列腺,结肠癌和肺癌以及黑素瘤和淋巴瘤的过表达。
“对涉及的途径有很多兴趣线粒体功能,我们已经确定了一个可以为各种癌症提供“可生药”目标的这种途径,“Wistar的Altieri实验室的博士法官和第一个作者的第一个作者,Jae Ho Seo,Ph.D。。"Other studies have shown that it is feasible to target mitochondrial proteins in preclinical models, so disrupting the network we identified in this study could shut off key processes that lead to tumor progression."