在过去的十年过去十年和所有国家的法律上发表的呼查指南 - 现在劝阻青年运动员回到伤势后展示任何脑震荡的迹象。然而,新研究确认运动员经常在同一天回到游戏中。
Shane M. Miller, M.D., FAAP, a pediatric sports medicine specialist at Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children in Plano, Texas, noticed a significant number of his patients reported they returned to play after a concussion before being cleared by a medical professional, despite medical guidelines, state law and educational efforts. He and Meagan Sabatino, senior clinical research coordinator at the same hospital, analyzed records for 185 patients between the ages of 7 and 18 treated for concussion at a Texas pediatric sports clinic during a 10-month period in 2014. Nearly half (47 percent) of the athletes sustained a concussion while playing football; the next most common sport among concussion patients was soccer (16 percent).
米勒博士强调了对脑震荡教育的持续需求。“我们需要强调这一消息,”有疑问时,将它们占据,并将它们放在外面 - 直到完全恢复,“他说。