爱德华多Pedrero-Perez和他的同事们从马德里祝您健康(西班牙)合著的文章题为“智能手机使用者:社会人口和健康变量相关。”The researchers conducted a random sampling of people living in a large city ages 15-65 who own a smartphone and identified those who do not use their smartphone regularly. In comparing the two groups, they found the non-users more likely to be male, older, have a lower educational level, and belong to an underprivileged social class. In addition, the non-users showed worse mental health indicators, and a lower perceived quality of life relating to their health
“人口健康的研究可以帮助我们发现技术使用模式可能有助于身心健康的困难以及提供保护性因素对于大型团体的个人”,主编《互联网博士,MBA, BCB, BCN,互动媒体研究所,圣地亚哥,加利福尼亚州和虚拟现实医学研究所,布鲁塞尔,比利时。