随着Covid-19的全球影响,科学界继续评估心血管疾病患者的临床影响和医疗保健需求,他对Covid-19严重并发症的风险增加。美国心脏协会(AHA),美国心力衰竭社会(HFSA)和美国心脏病学院(ACC)联合发表了这份新陈述,“HFSA / ACC / AHA声明涉及RE:在Covid中使用Raas拮抗剂-19,“今天消除了Covid-19患者在患者中使用ACE-I和ARB药物的错误信息。
“我们理解关注 - 因为它已经清楚了心血管疾病在Covid-19中包括死亡的严重并发症的风险更高。但是,我们已经审查了最新的研究 - 证据不确认需要停止ace-I或ARB的必要性,并且我们强烈推荐所有医生在对ACE-I或ARB治疗方案进行任何更改之前考虑每个患者的个人需求," said Robert A. Harrington, M.D., FAHA, president of the American Heart Association, Arthur L. Bloomfield Professor of Medicine and chair of the department of medicine at Stanford University.
"While the primary symptoms of COVID-19 include respiratory symptoms, the latest evidence demonstrates some patients with COVID-19 may also have severe cardiovascular damage. We must ensure we fully evaluate and treat patients with cardiovascular disease," continued Biykem Bozkurt, M.D., Ph.D., HFSA president, professor of cardiology, the Mary and Gordon Cain Chair of Medicine in the Winters Center for Heart Failure Research and the W.A. "Tex" and Deborah Moncrief Chair in Cardiology at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.
“持续最高的心血管疾病患者的护理标准患者是我们的首要任务,但使用ACE-I或ARB药物的Covid-19患者中没有实验或临床资料展示了Covid-19患者的有益或不良结果。我们敦促紧急, additional research that can guide us to optimal care for the millions of people worldwide with cardiovascular disease and who may contract COVID-19. These recommendations will be adjusted as needed to correspond with the latest research," concluded Richard J. Kovacs, M.D., president of the American College of Cardiology and Q.E. and Sally Russell Professor of Cardiology at Indiana University School of Medicine.