
Shoppers wait in line to enter a Stop & Shop supermarket during hours open daily only for seniors Thursday, March 19, 2020, in North Providence, R.I. This week grocery store chains and other retailers began offering special shopping hours for seniors and other groups considered the most vulnerable to the new coronavirus. The dedicated shopping times are designed to allow seniors, pregnant women and people with underlying health conditions to shop among smaller crowds and reduce their chances of acquiring the virus. (AP Photo/David Goldman)







罗伯塔·米勒,74年,寻找洗手液停止&商店超市在小时开放每日只对老年人星期四,2020年3月19日位于美国罗德岛州普罗维登斯北部本周连锁杂货店和其他零售商开始为老年人提供特殊的购物时间和其他组织认为最脆弱的新冠状病毒。专门的购物时间是为了让老年人、孕妇和有潜在健康问题的人在较少的人群中购物,减少他们感染病毒的机会。(AP照片/ David Goldman)





2020年3月19日星期四,在罗得岛州北普罗维登斯的一家Stop & Shop超市,韦德·华纳在老年人每日营业时间内拿起一卷卫生纸。今天早上,在这家超市,工人们正在补充肉类和农产品。本周,食品杂货店连锁店和其他零售商开始为老年人和其他被认为最易受新型冠状病毒感染的群体提供特殊购物时间。(AP照片/ David Goldman)


达乐公司(Dollar General)在其1.6万多家门店为老年人预留了每天第一个小时的购物时间。Target在每周三上午留出一小时的时间给弱势购物者,包括老年人和有潜在疾病的人。沃尔玛表示将举办一小时的“购物赛事“每周二为客户60岁及以上,在商店向公众开放前一小时。


A shopper wears gloves upon entering a Stop & Shop supermarket during hours open daily only for seniors Thursday, March 19, 2020, in North Providence, R.I. This week grocery store chains and other retailers began offering special shopping hours for seniors and other groups considered the most vulnerable to the new coronavirus. The dedicated shopping times are designed to allow seniors, pregnant women and people with underlying health conditions to shop among smaller crowds and reduce their chances of acquiring the virus. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

72岁的吉姆·吉布森(Jim Gibson)来自伦敦东南部的克洛夫顿公园(Crofton Park),他去了当地贝尔格林(Bell Green)的一家超市。他说,在那里,他“相对没有受到什么创伤”,只是一些年轻的购物者似乎忽视了预订购物时间的要求




  • 在对冠状病毒的恐惧中,商店设立了老年人购物时间
    2020年3月19日星期四,罗得岛州北普罗维登斯,购物者在每日只为老年人开放的时间内等待进入一家Stop & Shop超市。本周,杂货连锁店和其他零售商开始为老年人和其他被认为最易受新型冠状病毒感染的群体提供特殊购物时间。专门的购物时间是为了让老年人、孕妇和有潜在健康问题的人在较少的人群中购物,减少他们感染病毒的机会。(AP照片/ David Goldman)
  • 在对冠状病毒的恐惧中,商店设立了老年人购物时间
    A worker restocks the meat section of a Stop & Shop supermarket during hours open daily only for seniors Thursday, March 19, 2020, in North Providence, R.I. This week grocery store chains and other retailers began offering special shopping hours for seniors and other groups considered the most vulnerable to the new coronavirus. The dedicated shopping times are designed to allow seniors, pregnant women and people with underlying health conditions to shop among smaller crowds and reduce their chances of acquiring the virus. (AP Photo/David Goldman)
  • 在对冠状病毒的恐惧中,商店设立了老年人购物时间
    顾客等待结账的时候行小时开放期间停止&商店超市每天只对老年人星期四,2020年3月19日位于美国罗德岛州普罗维登斯北部本周连锁杂货店和其他零售商开始为老年人提供特殊的购物时间和其他组织认为最脆弱的新冠状病毒。专门的购物时间是为了让老年人、孕妇和有潜在健康问题的人在较少的人群中购物,减少他们感染病毒的机会。(AP照片/ David Goldman)
  • 在对冠状病毒的恐惧中,商店设立了老年人购物时间
    Lorraine Smith, 79, left, talks with a fellow shopper at a Stop & Shop supermarket during hours open daily only for seniors Thursday, March 19, 2020, in North Providence, R.I. "My husband is disabled and we have an aide the comes in everyday but he needs it. I just get nervous," said Smith of the virus' contagiousness. This week grocery store chains and other retailers began offering special shopping hours for seniors and other groups considered the most vulnerable to the new coronavirus. The dedicated shopping times are designed to allow seniors, pregnant women and people with underlying health conditions to shop among smaller crowds and reduce their chances of acquiring the virus. (AP Photo/David Goldman)
  • 在对冠状病毒的恐惧中,商店设立了老年人购物时间
    A shopper looks for toilet paper at a Stop & Shop supermarket during hours open daily only for seniors Thursday, March 19, 2020, in North Providence, R.I. Some items were still on back order while workers were restocking meat and produce this morning at the store. This week grocery store chains and other retailers began offering special shopping hours for seniors and other groups considered the most vulnerable to the new coronavirus. (AP Photo/David Goldman)
  • 在对冠状病毒的恐惧中,商店设立了老年人购物时间
    2020年3月19日星期四,罗得岛州北普罗维登斯市,70岁的拉里·埃莱奥夫(左)在一家Stop & Shop超市的收银台前等待结账,他买到了购物单上的大部分商品。本周,食品杂货店连锁店和其他零售商开始为老年人和其他被认为最易受新型冠状病毒感染的群体提供特殊购物时间。(AP照片/ David Goldman)
  • 在对冠状病毒的恐惧中,商店设立了老年人购物时间
    Nancy Pesapand, 92, center, grabs bananas as a worker restocks the produce section of a Stop & Shop supermarket during hours open daily only for seniors Thursday, March 19, 2020, in North Providence, R.I. This week grocery store chains and other retailers began offering special shopping hours for seniors and other groups considered the most vulnerable to the new coronavirus. The dedicated shopping times are designed to allow seniors, pregnant women and people with underlying health conditions to shop among smaller crowds and reduce their chances of acquiring the virus. (AP Photo/David Goldman)
  • 在对冠状病毒的恐惧中,商店设立了老年人购物时间
    购物者戴上手套之前进入一个小时开放期间停止&商店超市每天只对老年人星期四,2020年3月19日,位于美国罗德岛州普罗维登斯北部本周连锁杂货店和其他零售商开始为老年人提供特殊的购物时间和其他组织认为最脆弱的新冠状病毒。专门的购物时间是为了让老年人、孕妇和有潜在健康问题的人在较少的人群中购物,减少他们感染病毒的机会。(AP照片/ David Goldman)
  • 在对冠状病毒的恐惧中,商店设立了老年人购物时间
    罗伯塔·米勒,74年,她的物品结账时是在一个小时开放期间停止&商店超市每天只对老年人星期四,2020年3月19日,位于美国罗德岛州普罗维登斯北部本周连锁杂货店和其他零售商开始为老年人提供特殊的购物时间和其他组织认为最脆弱的新冠状病毒。专门的购物时间是为了让老年人、孕妇和有潜在健康问题的人在较少的人群中购物,减少他们感染病毒的机会。(AP照片/ David Goldman)
  • 在对冠状病毒的恐惧中,商店设立了老年人购物时间
    这是2020年3月18日星期三的照片,72岁的欧内斯特·霍奇戴着口罩和橡胶手套,在弗吉尼亚州里士满北部格伦艾伦的一家Dollar General商店外把食品杂货装进自己的汽车。美元树(Dollar Tree)、塔吉特(Target)、连锁杂货店和其他零售商正在为老年人和其他特别容易受到新型冠状病毒感染的人群提供专门的购物时间。(美联社照片/丹尼斯·拉瓦)
  • 在对冠状病毒的恐惧中,商店设立了老年人购物时间
    Don Gregson, 81, loads what was left of distilled water jugs into his car after shopping at a Stop & Shop supermarket during hours open daily only for seniors Thursday, March 19, 2020, in North Providence, R.I. Gregson needs the water for his CPAP machine which helps with his sleep apnea. This week grocery store chains and other retailers began offering special shopping hours for seniors and other groups considered the most vulnerable to the new coronavirus. The dedicated shopping times are designed to allow seniors, pregnant women and people with underlying health conditions to shop among smaller crowds and reduce their chances of acquiring the virus. (AP Photo/David Goldman)
  • 在对冠状病毒的恐惧中,商店设立了老年人购物时间
    2020年3月19日星期四,北普罗维登斯,顾客服务经理克里斯·莫舍为在Stop & Shop超市等待的老年人打开了大门。本周,杂货店连锁店和其他零售商开始为老年人和其他被认为最易受新型冠状病毒感染的群体提供特别购物时间。专门的购物时间是为了让老年人、孕妇和有潜在健康问题的人在较少的人群中购物,减少他们感染病毒的机会。(AP照片/ David Goldman)

弗吉尼亚大学(University of Virginia)传染病与国际卫生部门(Division of Infectious Diseases and International Health)教授威廉·佩特里(William Petri)表示,为老年人留出专门的购物时间是明智的。








