
In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, increasing numbers of Americans are accessing their care through telehealth, and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has loosened requirements so that people receiving Medicaid and Medicare can use this vital link to health care. However, many of the most vulnerable patients, especially the serious mentally ill and elderly, are still facing obstacles to this care because they lack the required video technology or live in areas without reliable broadband access.


"We have heard from many psychiatrists whose patients are only able to call into appointments, because they don't have access to online technology," said APA President Bruce Schwartz, M.D. "Even if we can't physically see our patients, we can provide medication management and psychotherapy. We must be able to provide care to our patients in a way that respects current guidelines on social distancing. Now is the time for CMS to revise the rule so that all people with物质使用障碍可以访问他们需要的重要照顾。“

迄今为止,我们赞扬了CMS所采取的巨大步骤,以确保每个人都可以在这种大流行期间获得所需的护理,“APA首席执行官和医疗总监Saul Levin,M.P.A。“我们的建议将确保那些仍然依赖旧技术的患者可以进入重要的精神服务。”



引文:APA在Covid-19 Pandemery(2020,402020,4月3日)从HTTPS://MedicalXpress.com/news/2020-04-apaews -additional-access-comesal检索到额外的手机上额外进入心理健康服务.html.

