Amy Heinzerling, M.D., from the California Department of Public Health, and colleagues characterized and compared exposures among HCP who did and did not develop COVID-19 after treatment of a patient admitted to a hospital who underwent multiple aerosol-generating procedures and subsequently tested positive for severe acute respiratory syndrome新冠病毒2(SARS-COV-2)在第二家医院。接受了三十七个HCP,被采访了SARS-COV-2,其中包括三个测试积极的人。研究人员发现,具有实验室确认的Covid-19的HCP更常常进行体检,并且在雾化处理期间暴露于患者;它们也有患者持续时间更长的曝光。没有HCP穿着个人保护设备。
Sherry L. Burrer, M.P.H., from the CDC COVID-19 Response Team, and colleagues describe the characteristics of HCP with COVID-19 during Feb. 12 to April 9, 2020. The researchers found that among 315,531 COVID-19 cases reported to CDC, 9,282 patients were identified as HCP. Fifty-five percent of the HCP patients reported contact with a COVID-19 patient only in the healthcare setting. Eight percent did not report symptoms, but 92 percent reported at least one of fever, cough, or shortness of breath.