“我们的调查结果强调需要预防癌症患者from contracting COVID-19 and—if they do—to identify and closely monitor these individuals for dangerous symptoms," said Vikas Mehta, M.D., M.P.H., a co-lead author of the study, a surgical oncologist at Montefiore and associate professor of otorhinolaryngology—head and neck surgery at Einstein. "We hope that our findings can inform states and communities that have not yet been so severely struck by this pandemic about the unique vulnerability癌症耐心脸。”
这项研究的对象是2020年3月18日至4月8日在纽约布朗克斯区Montefiore医疗中心检测出COVID-19阳性的218名癌症患者,该中心是美国疫情最严重的地区之一。共有61名癌症患者死于COVID-19,病死率高达28%。(根据世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)的数据,美国COVID-19的死亡率为5.8%。)
"A key element is that mortality appears to be more closely related to frailty, age, and co-morbidities than to active therapy for cancer," said co-senior author Balazs Halmos, M.D., M.S., director of the Multidisciplinary Thoracic Oncology Program at Montefiore and professor of medicine at Einstein.
"Our data suggest that we should not stop lifesaving cancer therapies, but rather develop strategies to minimize potential COVID-19 exposures and re-evaluate therapies for our most vulnerable cancer populations," explained co-senior author Amit Verma, M.B.B.S., director of the division of hemato-oncology at Montefiore and professor of medicine and of developmental and molecular biology at Einstein.
作为一个群体,患有白血病和淋巴瘤等血液病(血液)的COVID-19患者的死亡率最高,为37%(54例患者中的20例)。对于实体恶性肿瘤患者,死亡率为25%(41 / 164)。在特定的实体癌症中观察到显著的差异:患者的死亡率肺癌是55%结直肠癌是38%相比之下乳腺癌的死亡率是14%前列腺癌是20%