




“书面语言是大约5000年前发明的,没有足够的时间在进化过程中发展一个特别的系统,”解释Yamil维达尔和大卫。Crepaldi,作者和协调员的研究,分别也是由Eva Viviani,博士毕业SISSA现在牛津大学博士后,和大卫。Zoccolan,协调员的视觉神经科学实验室,SISSA。

”,然而,我们大脑皮层的一部分似乎是专门从事成人阅读:当我们有一个文本在我们面前,一个特定的大脑皮层的一部分,左侧梭状回,是激活执行这个特定的任务。同样的面积与视觉识别的对象,尤其是脸。”On the other hand, explain the scientists, "there are animals such as baboons that can learn to visually recognize words, which suggests that behind this process there is a processing system that is not specific for language, and that get "recycled" for reading as we humans become literate."

Pseudocharacters, 3 d对象和抽象的形状来证明这个理论

如何解释这个问题吗?“我们从一个假设:如果这个理论是正确的,当我们面对拼写出现的一些效果迹象也应该发现当我们受到non-orthographic刺激。这正是研究显示。”In the research, volunteers were subjected to four different tests. In the first two, they were shown short "words" composed of few pseudocharacters, similar to numbers or letters, but with no real meaning. The scholars explain that this was done to prevent the participants, all adults, from being influenced in their performance by their prior knowledge. "We found that the participants learned to recognize groups of letters—words, in this invented language—on the basis of the frequency of co-occurrence between their parts: words that were made up of more frequent pairs of pseudocharacters were identified more easily." In the third experiment, they were shown 3-D objects that were characterized by triplet of terminal shapes—very much like the invented words were characterized by triplets of letters. In experiment 4, the images were even more abstract and dissimilar from letters. In all the experiments, the response was the same, giving full support to their theory.


“这次调查中得出了什么”,作者解释,“不仅支持我们的假设,也告诉我们更多关于我们学习的方式。它表明,一个基本的部分是它的升值的统计规律就在我们身边。”We observe what is around us and, without any awareness, we decompose it into elements and see their statistics; by so doing, we give everything an identity. In jargon, we call it 'unsupervised learning.' The more often these elements compose themselves in a precise organization, the better we will be at giving that structure a meaning, be it a group of letters or an animal, a plant or an object. And this, say the scientists, occurs not only in children, but also in adults. "There is, in short, an adaptive development to stimuli which regularly occur. And this is important not only to understand how our brain functions, but also to enhance系统的基础上建立“学习”这些相同的统计原则。”



更多信息:Yamil维达尔et al,视觉特性的通用机制协会在视觉词汇识别和超越,当代生物学(2021)。DOI: 10.1016 / j.cub.2020.12.017
期刊信息: 当代生物学


