本研究是影响结核病项目的一部分。影响结核病在越南胡志明市的六个地区实施,产生了一个高产以前未被发现结核(TB)。Based on interviews with local leaders (e.g., District TB Unit managers), employees, volunteers and people with TB, the research team uncovered the facilitators, barriers and "how-to" strategies linked to the implementation of active case-finding within IMPACT TB. Most importantly, the IMPACT TB project was said to help the implementation of active case-finding, while implementation still depended on the individual employees and volunteers who could "make or break" the process.
“我们生成了三个主要主题:(1)越南使用的研究活动案例查找模型为有利的社会和组织背景提供了有效的社会和组织背景,以便有效地与改进领域实施,包括沟通和提高认识,准备和物流,数据systems and processes, and incentives; (2) employees and volunteers capitalized on their strengths to facilitate active case-finding implementation, e.g., experience, skills, and communication; and (3) employees and volunteers were in a position to address patient-level barriers to active case-finding implementation, e.g., stigma, discrimination, and mistrust. These themes covered a variety of facilitators, barriers and "how-to" strategies," says Olivia Biermann, first author of the publication.
Olivia Bieromann等,在越南胡志明市六区实施促进者和解决障碍时障碍:与关键利益相关者进行定性研究,实施科学(2021)。DOI:10.1186 / s13012-021-01124-0