![Figure 1. Illustration of hippocampal subfield topology in traditional and multiplanar histological slices (data from [42] and segmentations from [20]). (A) Traditional hippocampal slices with and without subfields overlaid. Coronal slices through the hippocampal body (top) are the most commonly used orientation. In particular, slices through the hippocampal head (light blue broken outline) and tail (dark blue broken line) show discontiguities due to out-of-plane sampling. (B) Approximate locations of the coronal slices (outlined in unbroken or broken blue lines) are shown on the left-side 3D model of the hippocampus. A sagittal slice is shown in the full brain image on top (outlined in orange). Folds including digitations and medial curvature in the hippocampal head and tail are illustrated by the black line in the right-side 3D model. (C) Multiplanar resampled slices along the axis of hippocampal curvature with and without subfields overlaid. The color of each image outline corresponds to the location of its sampling on the right-side 3D hippocampal model in (B). The contiguity of subfields is shown by a black line and is consistent in all slices in (C) as described in classic neuroanatomy. Abbreviations: CA, cornu ammonis; DG, dentate gyrus; Sub, subiculum. Credit: DOI: 10.1016/j.tins.2021.06.005 数字化地展开海马体,以更好地了解大脑疾病](https://scx1.b-cdn.net/csz/news/800a/2021/digitally-unfolding-th.jpg)
描述这项技术前景的论文发表在该杂志上神经科学发展趋势并且是DeKraker在Ali Khan和Stefan的监督下在西方Schulich医学和牙科学院的博士工作的顶峰Köhler。
该团队在研究了使用北美最强大的MRI磁体之一罗伯特研究所(Robarts Research Institute)的超高场MRI获得的患者的成像数据后,开始开发这项技术,这些数据产生了超高分辨率的大脑图像。这些图像使他们能够看到患者之间折叠模式的差异,这是低分辨率成像无法看到的。
更多信息:Jordan DeKraker等,基于表面的海马亚场分割,神经科学发展趋势(2021)。DOI: 10.1016 / j.tins.2021.06.005