pMSCs特点,iMSCs, KO-iMSCs。标记基因的表达。分析了每个基因的信使rna表达水平RT-qPCR pMSCs来源于骨骼肌,iMSCs, KO-iMSCs,未分化的细胞则健康,COL6A1KO-iPSCs。健康水平相对于水平为多能性的细胞则标记NANOG在pMSCs SOX2, OCT3/4或MSC标记COL6A1 PDGFR-A。数据显示为均值±SD。n = 3。b免疫荧光图像pMSCs、iMSCs KO-iMSCs,健康的万能。低的插入板更高的放大和显示原纤维结构。规模的酒吧,100μm, 10μm(插入)。c西方滴COL6A1 pMSCs蛋白表达,iMSCs, KO-iMSCs。 β-Actin was used as the control. Average fold changes between iMSCs, KO-iMSCs, and pMSCs are indicated below. d PCA plot showing the clustering of cell populations based on the transcriptomes. Proportion of variance: PC1 = 43.764%, PC2 = 19.746%, PC3 = 17.682%. e Heatmap of MSC markers, myogenic markers, and pluripotency markers. Credit: DOI: 10.1186/s13287-021-02514-3