![Brain–behavior correlations. A, Regions of interest—namely left superior parietal lobule (SPL) and left precuneus—where a significant correlation (plotted in panel [B]) was observed between pre-to-post change in cortical thickness and in neuropsychological scores (corrected total score [CTS]). The two regions of interest are highlighted with dotted black contours on lateral and medial views of the DKT atlas parcellation; base image from the Mindboggle project (www.dataverse.harvard.edu/dataverse/mindboggle101). B, Data points in the scatter plot represent patients (N = 17; SPL: green triangles; precuneus: purple squares). Data points sharing the same x value are horizontally jittered by up to 0.25 units to aid visualization. Vertical/horizontal dotted gray lines correspond to no pre-to-post change in terms of neuropsychological score/cortical thickness. “Δ” in the axis labels refers to pre-to-post-TPS change. C, Distribution of neuropsychological (CTS) scores, pre- and post-TPS. Dots represent individual patients, with gray lines connecting values at pre and at post. Horizontal red lines indicate group means. *P < .05; **P < .01. Credit: DOI: 10.1002/trc2.12121 超声脑刺激可以减缓痴呆症相关的大脑退化](https://scx1.b-cdn.net/csz/news/800a/2021/ultrasound-brain-stimu.jpg)
经颅超声脉冲刺激(TPS)技术是由维也纳医学大学神经学系的神经科学家Roland Beisteiner领导开发的,可用于各种神经精神疾病,如阿尔茨海默病和帕金森病。它通过外部激活仍在运作的神经元来改善大脑功能。现在已经证明TPS甚至可以减少痴呆症患者的大脑形态退化。这篇论文已发表在一份著名的医学杂志上。
最近的研究使用核磁共振技术观察了大脑形态,并表明TPS可以减缓阿尔茨海默氏症典型的皮层萎缩(脑组织损失)。研究负责人Roland Beisteiner解释说:“我们发现神经心理改善与大脑皮层厚度之间存在显著相关性,这些区域对阿尔茨海默氏症至关重要。”Roland Beisteiner在维也纳MedUni和维也纳总医院神经内科监督了超声经颅脉冲刺激(TPS)新技术的开发。