睡觉时,整个大脑滚过长,慢波的电活动,如海浪平静的海洋。研究人员称,国家意识的“慢波睡眠”。Waking up changes the pattern of electrical activity into something that looks more like random noise. But Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) Assistant Professor Tatiana Engel, Postdoctoral Fellow Yianling Shi, and their collaborators found there are patterns in the noise. Looking at the visual processing region of a monkey brain, they discovered smaller, faster, more localized versions of the large rolling sleep waves. The shapes and dynamics of these local waves relate to how attentive that part of the brain is. The researchers think that the wave patterns provide an important clue to understanding sleep, anesthesia, and attention.
所涉及的大脑的一部分视觉处理(视觉皮层)就像一个电视屏幕上创建一个图片的点的集合或“像素”。Each brain pixel is composed of a column full of neurons that act together. Unstimulated columns flicker between being electrically active and sensitive to stimuli ("On") or being inactive and resistant to electrical activity ("Off"). If视觉信息(刺激)冲击视觉列”,“然后信息注册为大型电力高峰。但如果视觉信息时点击列”,“那么它可能不是注册。
恩格尔和史,与斯坦福大学教授合作Kwabena Boahen和塔林摩尔,和华盛顿大学的助理教授尼古拉斯·a·斯坦梅茨发现,当猴子是关注一个刺激,海浪变短和股市。“在”和“关闭”状态眨眼通过视觉皮层列由这种刺激的速度会越快的面积小于当动物的注意。但是为什么一个清醒和细心的大脑想周期列和小姐信息?恩格尔有几个假设。她说,“保持神经元上的状态一直是积极高昂。另一个原因是,如果我们总是接受信息,我们可能会变得不知所措;“关闭”状态可以帮助抑制无关信息。”
更多信息:阎et al,皮质状态动力学和选择性注意在大脑皮层中定义相关变化的空间格局,自然通讯(2022)。DOI: 10.1038 / s41467 - 021 - 27724 - 4