SARS-CoV-2可从Vero E6允许细胞到达SH-SY5Y神经元细胞。感染的Vero E6细胞(供体细胞)与先前稳定转染表达mCherry的载体(受体细胞)的SH-SY5Y神经元细胞共培养。共培养固定在24和48小时。(从A到G)共聚焦显微照片显示感染sars - cov -2的Vero E6细胞和SH-SY5Y mCherry细胞共培养48小时。采用抗n抗体检测SARS-CoV-2核蛋白。(B和C) (A)中黄色虚线方块的扩大;黄色箭头表示在受体细胞细胞质中检测到的抗n点。(D到G) (B)和(C)的正交图显示受体细胞细胞质内的抗n点。(H)共培养24和48小时后,抗n点状蛋白转移到受体细胞的平均百分比。* p = 0.0468。 (I to K) Confocal micrographs showing 48 hours of coculture between SARS-CoV-2–infected Vero E6 cells and SH-SY5Y mCherry cells. An anti-S antibody was used to detect SARS-CoV-2 particles. (J) Enlargement of the yellow dashed square in (I); the yellow arrowhead indicates the anti-S puncta in the acceptor cells. (K) The orthogonal views of (J) showing the anti-S puncta inside acceptor cells. (L) Graph showing the mean percentage of anti-S puncta transferred to acceptor cells after 24 and 48 hours of coculture. *P = 0.0374. (M to O) Double immunostaining of coculture using anti-S and anti-N antibodies. (N) Enlargement of the yellow dashed square in (M) showing colocalization between anti-N and anti-S puncta in SH-SY5Y mCherry acceptor cells. The cytosol has been labeled with CellMask Blue. Scale bars, 10 μm. Credit:科学的进步(2022)。DOI: 10.1126 / sciadv.abo0171