识别和油性和石炭纪的映射。从G3小鼠肝脏甘油三酯数据绘制在油性突变与基因型的Gm4951后四个星期HFD (n = 10 WT老鼠;n = 14老鼠裁判;HET n = 25老鼠;n = 5老鼠VAR)。b曼哈顿情节显示P值计算使用likehood-ratio测试相加模型的继承。c从G3小鼠肝脏甘油三酯数据绘制在石炭纪和基因型变异的Gm4951后四个星期HFD (n = 19 WT老鼠;n = 16老鼠裁判;HET n = 26老鼠;n = 8老鼠VAR)。 d Manhattan plot showing P values calculated using a likehood-ratio test from an additive model of inheritance. e, f Liver triglyceride data from pedigrees R5938 (Oily) and R6446 (Carboniferous) were pooled together in superpedigree analysis and plotted as in a and c (n = 29 mice in WT; n = 30 mice in REF; n = 51 mice in HET; n = 13 mice in VAR); Manhattan plot as in (b) and (d). P values were calculated using a likehood-ratio test from an additive model of inheritance. WT, C57BL/6 J mice age-matched with G3 mice; REF, G3 mice homozygous for the reference allele of the indicated gene; HET, G3 mice heterozygous for the reference allele and for the mutant allele; VAR, G3 mice homozygous for the mutant allele. Each data point represents one mouse; mean (μ) and SD (σ) are indicated (a, c, e). Data are from one experiment. Credit:自然通讯(2022)。DOI: 10.1038 / s41467 - 022 - 31812 - 4