TBX20过表达可改善hiCMs的功能。A,在与人诱导多能干细胞来源的心肌细胞(iPSC-CMs)共培养1个月后,观察到的来自h9来源成纤维细胞(H9Fs)的跳动的人诱导心肌细胞(hiCMs)的量化;每组N =10,独立重复2次)。B,显微镜成像示踪和测量显示,MGT+空载体(EV)或MGT+TBX20共培养细胞中钙瞬变,如A. C所示。共培养hiCMs中测量峰值ΔF/F0的定量(n=33,独立重复2次)。D,亮场和GFP(绿色荧光蛋白)荧光图像显示共培养后mgmt + tbx20诱导的单个hicm。右图显示周期长度为270毫秒的自发跳动过程中膜电位(Vm)的选定光学迹。E, h9f来源的hiCMs RNA测序数据的基因集富集分析,显示TBX20上调和下调基因中富集的特征。F,心肌肌钙蛋白T (cTnT)+ H9F衍生hiCMs中使用MitoTracker标记的线粒体含量的代表性图像和定量(每组n=20)。比例尺,10 μm。G,逆转录定量聚合酶链反应结果显示h9f来源的hiCMs中线粒体DNA与总基因组DNA的相对比例(每组n=6)。 H, Representative oxygen consumption rate profile analyzed from mito-stress Seahorse assay in hiCMs derived from H9Fs (n=10 per group, repeated 3 times independently). I, Quantification of basal respiration, maximal respiration, proton leak, spare respiratory capacity, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production, and spare respiratory capacity as a percentage in hiCMs treated with MGT+TBX20 or MGT+EV from H9Fs (n=10 per group). J, Representative extracellular acidification rate profile analyzed from glucose-stress Seahorse assay in TBX20-treated or EV-treated hiCMs derived from H9Fs (n=10 per group). K, Quantification of glycolysis, glycolytic capacity, and glycolytic reserve in H9F-derived hiCMs transduced with TBX20 or EV (n=10 per group). All data are expressed as mean ± SEM (A, C, F, G, I, and K, Student t test). *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001, ****P<0.0001. ECAR indicates extracellular acidification rate; FDR, false discovery rate; and OCR, oxygen consumption rate. Credit:循环(2022)。DOI: 10.1161 / CIRCULATIONAHA.122.059713